Sunday, 29 July 2007

Weddings, Baptisms and other less happy events

Well, in the grand tradition of the (in)fertility blogger (unless you're a really good one like Julie or Julia ) a long silence usually means bad news. Actually that's not strictly true; sometimes it means that you've had the long awaited baby and are using blogging time to catch up on sleep. Anyway, in this case it's the former. The bean measured only 6 weeks or so, and two subsequent blood tests showed falling HCG levels, so all over bar the shouting really. Unfortunately the "shouting" has not yet begun, so I am effectively waiting to miscarry. It will add another dimension of terror to furture pregnancies, as before I could relax as long as there wasn't any bleeding , whereas now I'm 9 or so weeks in with no bleeding, but I know it's all wrong. The waiting is hard to bear, as I like to move on as quickly as possible, and I'm in limbo at the moment. I'm seeing Dr G on Monday, and will be asking him what the options are. I'm not really keen to have a D&C, especially as it's unlikely he'll send any results for testing anyway, but I'm not sure what the alternatives are.

At least I'm not blithely skipping along to the 12 week scan thinking everything is fine, that would have been awful.

In better news, although all rather overshadowed by my own misery. Our friends Jenny and James tied the knot last Saturday, so congratulations Mr and Mrs W.

Also, our good friends had all three of their children baptised last Sunday. We had a lovely barbecue afterwards and the sun even deigned to shine.

This weekend we've had visitors in the form of Michael and Kirsten, who are expecting their first baby. It was lovely and nostalgic re-living all of the excitement of first being pregnant. Little M had a joint birthday party to attend and then today we've been doing odd jobs, punctuated with a bit of a shopping spree and lunch at Pizza Express, mmmm.

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