Thursday, 14 June 2007


The joys of flexible working mean that I finish at lunchtime on a Thursday, signing off with a wing and a prayer that any journalists desperate for news of printers and copiers can hold on to their hats until Monday. Actually, that's not strictly true, I've got a shiny MDA that gives me access to emails, so if there is a global document imaging crisis I'm unlikely to miss it... It hasn't happened yet though. Mostly I get lots of Response Source enquiries, which, given that I effectively have only one client, are relevant about one time in 50. It's quite interesting reading what the writers are working on though, and occasionally sparks off the odd creative idea.

Response Source requests range from the terse, to the longwinded, to the downright fluffy, and it does vary depending on sector. I had to smile though the other day when one came through from a lady writing on a women's magazine who "can't wait to hear your stories" and signed off with a "x". Kisses at the bottom of Reponse Source requests... what a lot of love she must have to share! ... and I thought PRs were supposed to be the insincere ones!

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