Thursday, 13 March 2008

Still +

Ok, so I really left it hanging last time. I think being new to blogging I wasn't quite ready to share the mental dramas that come with the first 12 weeks of pregnancy with the wide wide world. Now I know that this is the whole point of blogging, and I'm sorry if anyone had started following my story nad was left dangling. I just noticed that "vegas mommy" left me a congratulations note on the last post, which is so sweet and really appreciated, but made me feel bad that I hadn't updated. So, to cut a long story short, I am still pregnant - 18.5 weeks - and all seems to be going well.

I had an early scan at 6w 4d just before Christmas, and although we didn't expect to see anything really, we were rewarded with a tiny flickering heartbeat of hope. I hung on through Christmas, and had another scan a week after the first, which showed apporpriate growth, then I think another a week after that. then I realise dthat I was living from scan to scan and not actually living in between, which was driving me a little crazy, so I cancelled the next scan and waited until the nuchal fold test at 12 weeks. All looked good thank God.

Next I started to stress out about feeling movement, which I felt early with my daughter. It seemed to take far longer, but eventually I was able to confidently say it was baby, not wind, and now it is quite wriggly. It generally is quiet in the mornings, and then wakes up after lunch and is quite responsive and wriggly during the afternoon and evening.

I am far more relaxed than I was, but I think you approach pregnancy differently after any kind of loss, so I'll only really be happy once it's safely born... the next question: Repeat C-section or VBAC? Eeek. I would really like to try the VBAC, but then I have a bad bout of painful wind and think "labour must be even worse than this!" (duh!) and wimp towards the C-Section. My last section was due to failure to go into labour, induction, then failure to progress and fetal distress, so there's no medical reason why I shouldn't have a VBAC, but I have very little experience, therefore of "natural" labour...

At the moment I'm erring towards if I go into labour naturally I'll give it a go, and if not, then I'll go straight for the section without messing around with trying to induce it. Any thoughts from those who've had a VBAC would be great.


flora said...

Try a VBAC- you can do it! I havent had a VBAC but I went through labor- lots of it- before I finally had a cs. My baby was sunny-side-up and his head wouldnt fit, etc. You and your baby get many benefits from going through labor even if you end up with a repeat cs so it is worht a try.

If you are going to try VBAC it is best to go without epidural so you can feel to push. go to for great info.

Labor isnt that bad but I would HIGHLY recommend you get a doula- they are worth every penny and you need all the support you can get. or

Induced VBAC's are trickier- drugs slow labor, pitocin ramps up contractions and can cause some trouble- so try to go natural if you can.

The maint hing is to educate yourself and then make a choice that is right for you.

helen said...

Thanks Flora. Yes I wouldn't want to be induced again, but I simply didn't go into labour at all last time - was 16 days overdue by the time they put me on the drip, which I spent ten hours on before they operated. If I do go into labour I'm prepared to try hard for a natural delivery, we will sign up for lamaze classes again - we have an excellent coach who is happy to take us on again. I think the chances of me having a section if I am induced are so high, that I may as well go straight for the section if labour doesn't start on its own, but we shall see! Thanks for leaving the comment!